October 31, 2023
Contract ID
Please provide a link to it here:
October 31, 2023
Project Changed back to ABC / IMBU
ABC – Asset Backed Crypto
IMBU – International Monetary Business Unit
October 31, 2023
For Clarity this webpage is not associated with other projects related with the name CryptoMe. or CryptoMe.org It will be referred to as the IMBU project from now and to the future.
ABC – Asset Backed Crypto
IMBU – International Monetary Business Unit
October 31, 2023
Do you have a Token Metrics paper?
Please provide a link to it here:
Mint Burn Model. total tokens currently stand at 1001001001000 tokens of IMBU via Multiverse-X contract with no distributions. Tokens can be minted or burned to sustain. Each token is valued at 1 kg of refined fuel or electrical energy equivalent. Part of the plan is to document energy sources and move towards ecologically friendly energy management for fuel, energy needs, and water purification.
October 31, 2023
Our Codebase is not Released on Github. We are code agnostic.
We require our formats to be placed in text format except for calculation pages. We do spider code from multiple sources and Github if necessary.
October 31, 2023
CryptoMe uses the Mint-Burn as well as the Demand-Fulfillment Model. We also have a time-stamped GPS inventory and supply chain management solutions. We have a science based token. We also use token subtypes that can be created for tokenization. We also generate NFTs for asset backed objects that can be traded. Membership also requires identity services to prevent fraud. We also have think tank information regarding IMBU which is a scientific asset backed currency denomination International Monetary Business Unit.
October 31, 2023
Crypto Me uses Mint-Burn as well as the Demand-Fulfillment Model
October 31, 2023
This is the Project page for CryptoMe
Crypto Me
Artwork by Omar Shamsi
Digitally Assisted Artwork