Not many men are willing to fight a fight that they will probably lose.
Your grandfather charged a beach front KNOWING that he’d probably die.
Your great-grandfather entered a street fight with the bigger tougher kid who was bullying him.
Because the only other option was to be a bitch.
In life, you’re often given two SHIT options.
– Be a coward
– Play a game you’re MOST LIKELY to lose.
The difference between great men and average men is that great men play the game every time.
I don’t care if I PROBABLY lose.
I will win ANYWAY.
Statistics don’t mean shit to me,
Odds mean nothing when the alternative is life as a coward.
The whole world is fucked because men forgot this simple principle.
The whole idea of honor is gone.
You’ll let your wife cut your son’s dick off because the tv told her to.
You’ll wear the mask and take the injection.
And while you THINK cowardice was the better choice.
I can assure you,
Your moment of cowardice will plague you far more than the loss ever would.
God only rewards the brave.
– Tate
We thank Andrew Tate for sharing honest and unfiltered content here.